Best bar soap for acne with Neem & Bentonite clay

Rich results on google's SERP when searching for "Neem bar soap"

Neem powder : fights acne, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, treats uneven skin tone, tackles white heads & black heads

Bentonite Clay : It is a gentle exfoliator

Pumpkin powder : is an oxidant rich in vitamin A and C which helps to soften and soothe the skin. It boosts collagen production to prevent signs of aging.

Arrowroot powder: clears acne by absorbing oils/sebum beautifully and is also promotes natural healing as it penetrates the skin.

Tip: Rubbing some into skin before bed and in the morning can reduce oil production, soften skin and dry out/heal blemishes.

This bar of soap is formulated with powerful healing and antioxidant properties of coconut  and Shea butter.

This soap is packed with vitamins, protein, fatty acids.

Nourishing oils & butter are blended into this nutritious complexion bar to help reverse skin troubles like hyperpigmentation, scarring, and uneven skin tone.

Made using the traditional cold process method, our soap retains all the vital plant nutrients during the manufacturing process and hence impart maximum efficacy on application.

Weight 100 gms when packed

extract from

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